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NOTE: this study now has its own website: www.octaikon.co.uk
where you will find latest developments.
My career in forestry spanned a time during which there was an increasing emphasis on putting people
first. Techniques of
management, participation, and community involvement had to be learnt as well as silviculture and soil
I found this greater emphasis interesting, particularly the aspect of understanding personalities and
people’s strengths and
weaknesses in an effort to improve collaboration and team working.
I discovered that there are lot of theories about what makes people tick. As I tried to understand them,
it seemed that they were
all variations on the same theme. It also seemed that few of them took account of the spiritual dimension
of the human character.
I therefore tried to summarise the theories, see how they linked together, and see what could be their
application to the ethical,
spiritual side of life. The result is a series of graphical notes divided into secular and
Christian viewpoints, which have helped
me to understand myself and other people. Maybe you will find them interesting. Tell me what you think.
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map of Cross Balance pages.