A.M.J.R's Website


When I returned from the Caribbean to England, and started working at the Natural Resources Institute, a colleague introduced me to the idea of mind-mapping. I read books by Tony Buzan, and found that the technique appealed to my pictorial mind.

I started mind-mapping lecture notes and articles, and experimented drawing by hand all sorts of maps. Very soon my friend told me that mindmaps could be created on a computer, and introduced me to an early version of MindManager . I was sceptical, thinking to that part of the value of mapping was to do it by hand.

However, I soon became aware of the value of using the computer, specially the fact that it was possible to gradually evolve a map, without redrawing it. I soon became such an enthusiast, that I find it very difficult to do any work without starting with a map.

In this section I have listed some of my experiences and examples in the hope that you will try to use the technique too. This whole web site was designed using MindManager, and many other subjects were brain-stormed and developed using the same programme.

If you would like to find out more about mindmaps, and other software, and good site to start with is www.mindmappingtool.com and you will find many interesting links to further sites on their map links page http://www.mindmappingtool.com/mind_map_links.php  

Examples of html reports I have produced with MindManager are listed below:

Design and drafting of Forest Reproductive Material html pages of the FAO website.
International Provenance Trials of Acacia and Prosopis (Synthesis and drafting of a summary html report for  FAO/DFSC)
www.dfsc.dk (click on Arid zone trials)
Synthesis and drafting of a summary html report for the International Provenance trials of Pinus Kesiya. (for DFSC)
www.dfsc.dk (click on Pinus kesiya trials)
Review of extension material concerned with forest tree seed. Draft html report posted on the internet to allow comments and contributions (for FAO)
www.dfsc.dk (click on FAO/DFSC Training and Extension resources in Tree Seed - new pages for comment)
Overview of global demand and supply for forest tree seed.
To be placed on the internet
Conversion of the EU Guidelines for Forest Sector Development Co-operation. I was involved in the very first stages of these guidelines, and did this conversion as an exercise in using MindManager for complex documents. This version is, I think, much easier to use than the book. Try it and tell me!
Go to EU Guidelines